Tuesday, May 19, 2015

how to delete system apps on android?

I knew of what you think now  Why I Might Want To Remove them  ?  Before we start deleting those  apps we should should spend a few moments considering just why you want to get them off your android phone.

For instance, it might be that they are cluttering up your home screen. If this is the case, then long tapping and dragging to the Remove box at the top of the screen should get them out of the way.

On the other hand, these apps might be considered “bloatware” and take up valuable resources. Pre-installed games might take up space on your phone’s storage, while Internet-connected apps could be eating into your monthly allowance. Such apps might even be recording and/or uploading information that you would prefer they didn’t.

And then there’s the impact on your battery life.and finally it is fun thing to brag infront you friend  with  .

Unfortunately, removing these apps isn’t as easy as it could be. It really depends upon whether your Android device is rooted or not.
For those of you who have rooted their phones just try the following app :
        NoBloat Free

This is a good, free solution that removes pre-installed bloatware and makes backups too — after all, you wouldn’t want to delete the wrong app and end up with a featureless phone!

A premium version is also available for $1.99 (£1.25), offering some enhanced features such as blacklisting system apps.
Titanium Backup

Arguably the first app you might think of for dealing with unwanted apps on your Android Device is Titanium Backup. It can handle any app you throw at it, whether downloaded from Google Play or pre-installed.

The free version allows you to backup and uninstall apps, but the paid version ($5.99 or £4.11) allows you to freeze apps and more.

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